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Terms of use & Disclaimer

Terms of use & Disclaimer

In order to exclude unnecessary delays and disagreements in the course of the conclusion of the purchase agreement, please consult and accept the most important provisions for the purchase of goods offered by ORTHOSERVICE.LV below.
All commodity prices are indicated, including Value Added Tax. The cost of the goods delivery service is not included in the specified item price.
The specified commodity prices shall be valid until the item is available. You will be informed about the availability of the ORTHOSERVICE. Lv special, after the order has been received.
ORTHOSERVICE. Contracts concluded with the Customers shall not be maintained by the leasing companies concerned.
Goods, free of delivery, can be received by ORTHOSERVICE.LV, Riga, Lauvas Street 1 or ORTHOSERVICE. Lv saaction partners, the time of arrival of the product must be agreed in advance with the ORTHOSERVICE.LV specialist.
Article 12 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia AND Cabinet Regulation No. 207, Regulations Regarding Distance Contract (BOM Regulations No. 207) prescribe that the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days and to return the goods purchased through the Distance Agreement to the seller. (BOM rules no. (207) provide that, if the parties have not agreed otherwise, the consumer may not exercise the right of withdrawal if the goods are manufactured according to the consumer or are unrelievable, or the goods cannot be returned by their nature.
Article 12(4) of THE PTAL states that “The withdrawal shall terminate the contract within a specified time limit and exempt the consumer from any contractual obligation, with the exception of the costs of returning the goods or the case back to the manufacturer, seller or service provider.”
Article 12(6) of THE PTAL states that “the consumer is responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the product during the exercise of the right of withdrawal”, recommends that the original packaging of the product be maintained so that the right of withdrawal does not cause external mechanical damage to the product.
THE provisions OF THE PTAL do not apply to cases where the goods are purchased by legal persons and/or purchased in shops.
1. General Sales Conditions Action.
1.1. General terms of sale work between the buyer (“the customer”) and the seller (“ORTHOSERVICE.LV”) to determine the purchase and sale arrangements and terms, and to help address issues related to the parties’ legal obligations.
1.2. The procedures for shopping in an Internet shop are governed by Regulations No 207 of the Cabinet of Ministers of 28 May 2002, Regulations Regarding Distance Contract, as well as the Consumer Rights Protection Law.
1.3. the goods to be http://www.orthoservice.lvapskat and the prices of goods shall have an informative nature. All information about ORTHOSERVICE. The presence and availability of the goods specified in the list are displayed using ORTHOSERVICE information. Goods produced and available for purchase by partners and producers. The item may be different from the picture. The image may contain parts that are not part of the item’s sales package. The description of the item has an informative meaning. ORTHOSERVICE. The use of the information provided does not entail any legal relationship between the ORTHOSERVICE. For vaporists and its makers. ORTHOSERVICE. It reserves the right to make changes to the general terms of sale and the price list of the goods to be offered at any time. Changes and additions to the price list and conditions shall take effect from the date of their publication in the orthoservice.lv. Orders that have been completed before the change took effect will be subject to the conditions that have worked at the time of the order.
1.4. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvun Customer wants to sell and purchase using https://orthoservice.lv based on the general terms of sale contained in this document. When you make an order and prepay https://orthoservice.lv, the Customer confirms that you have met and agreed to the general terms of the sale.
1.5. The purchase-sales agreement takes effect only after payment of the prepayment, which is not less than 100% of the total amount of the order. Payment shall be made within 3 (three) days from the time of invoicing.
2. Customer registration rules.
2.1. New Customer Sign-up:
– To order https://orthoservice.lv, you need to register by filling in the sign-up form. You can register in http://www.orthoservice.lvJ by pressing on the “SIGN UP” menu, before you order, and after putting items in your shopping basket.
– Please note that it is only possible to register with the same email address once.
2.2. Registered Customer:
– If you are ORTHOSERVICE. Lvklients, then press the “AUTHORIZATION” menu, then enter the e-mail address and password, and then press the “ENTER” menu.
2.3. Forgotten password:
– If you have forgotten your password, please press the “FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD” menu, enter the e-mail address you have registered with and get instructions for updating your password in your e-mail.
2.4. When registering with https://orthoservice.lv, the Customer shall certify that he has met and agrees that the data provided by him is used to ORTHOSERVICE. It is possible to execute the delivery of customer orders and goods in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory enactments of the LR. We are informed that, with a view to ensuring accounting records in conformity with the regulatory enactments of the LR, ORTHOSERVICE. The processing of personal data, including the personal identification code, submitted to you.
2.5. All information that the Customer enters in the https://orthoservice.lv is required to ORTHOSERVICE. You can perform high-quality order processing and Customer Service. This information shall be the property of ORTHOSERVICE.LV and shall under no circumstances be transferred to third parties.
2.6. To perform high-quality order processing, ORTHOSERVICE. The following information is required:
– Customer Name, Last Name – To ORTHOSERVICE. You can specify an authorized recipient for an order
, – Person Code – to ORTHOSERVICE. You can identify the Customer and make sure that the Customer has reached the age;
– Delivery address – to ORTHOSERVICE. To supply goods;
– contact phone – to have a courier service or ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecial could contact the Customer;
– E-mail – used for the authorization https://orthoservice.lv to which the order approval is sent and used for communication with the Customer. The customer agrees that it will send notices related to customer registration, order handling, including news, and item quotes to the specified e-mail.
3. Price list.
3.1. All commodity prices in http://www.orthoservice.lvir are indicated, including Value Added Tax. The cost of the goods delivery service is not included in the specified item price.
3.2. ORTHOSERVICE. It reserves the right to make changes to the http://www.orthoservice.lvpre price list at any time. If the order was made by the customer before the price change took effect and ORTHOSERVICE. The invoice has been invoiced for prepayment, the item shall have the price specified on the invoice at the time the order is drawn up, provided that the order has not been cancelled for the reasons specified in paragraph 4.3.
3.3. When the goods are purchased on payment, the contract fee specified by the credit institution which offers the service in question shall be added to the value of the contract at the time the goods are drawn up.
3.4. If the order is drawn up, the order payment should be made:
– via a transfer via internet banking;
– at any branch of the bank easily available to the Customer;
– with cash, at the time of receipt of the item in ORTHOSERVICE.LV, Riga, Lauvas Street 1 or at ORTHOSERVICE. For the partners of the Lvsaaction.
4. Product Search and Order orthoservice.lv.
4.1. Product Search:
– Choose a product group and all items in this group will be displayed on the screen. To make it easier to find the most suitable model for you in the wide range of products, we recommend that you use a quick search by entering the product name/modeli/artikulu that you choose there.
4.2. Order Design:
– When you have found the item you want to purchase, place it in your shopping basket and press the “DESIGN ORDER” menu. In the “Count” field, you can specify the number of items if you want to purchase the selected item for more than 1 (one) unit.
4.3. Order confirmation:
– When you design an order, you will receive information about the order in your e-mail. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecial will contact you within the next working day from 10:00 – 18:00 to inform you of the further course of the order and to agree on the most convenient way of delivery for you. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvreserves the right to cancel an order in case:
– The customer has not made a prepayment payment within 3 (three) days of the time the order was approved;
– at the time the item was delivered, the Customer has not paid the entire amount of the order. The exception is only if between the Customer and the ORTHOSERVICE. A special additional contract is drawn up;
– the request for payment has received a negative response from the credit institution;
– if the customer has made an advance payment but has not made a payment for the value of all the goods and/or abandoned the order, the advance paid shall be returned within 30 days to the customer’s bank account (if the customer has drawn up an order for the goods that have been ordered. not in ORTHOSERVICE. In the Lvnoliktava, but the ORTHOSERVICE.LV Customer Order has already been released to the manufacturer, the customer’s prepayment is not returned);
– it is not possible to receive the selected item from the manufacturer;
– delivery times exceed ORTHOSERVICE. Lvnoteiktos;
– There are other reasonable reasons to cancel the order.
5. Additional product information.
5.1. Information about the goods to be viewed http://www.orthoservice.lv:
– In case of http://www.orthoservice.lvneatrodat information on the item of interest, please send the question ORTHOSERVICE. To an e-mail message: info@orthoserviss.lv by specifying your coordinates (Your Name and Last Name, E-mail address, telephone number) to ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecial could contact you.
5.2. Information about items that you do not find http: /www.orthoservice.lv:
– If you do not find the https://orthoservice.lv item you are looking for, please inform ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecialist when sending a question to e-mail: info@orthoserviss.lv. Please specify your coordinates (Your Name and Last Name, E-mail address, telephone number) to ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecial could contact you.
5.3. If you want to order a non-ORTHOSERVICE item. In lvnolikin:
– If the item of interest to you is not ORTHOSERVICE. In the Lvnoliktava or you want to purchase more than the quantity available in the warehouse, call for possible delivery terms. If the proposed delivery time is satisfied, a prepayment invoice will be prepared for you. After announcing the delivery of the item, you will have to withdraw the item within 2 (two) weeks, otherwise ORTHOSERVICE. The right to withhold a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the value of the order for each day of delay will be exercised.
– Before ORTHOSERVICE. You will need to prepay 100% for the order you have made. This payment will be considered as a guarantee for the planned purchase.
6. Receipt of goods.
6.1. It is possible to receive an order for free from ORTHOSERVICE.LV, in Riga, on Lauvas Street 1 or at ORTHOSERVICE. For the partners of the Lvsaaction. The order must be removed within 2 (two) weeks, since the time the order was approved, otherwise ORTHOSERVICE. The right to withhold a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the value of the order for each day of delay will be exercised.
6.2. The supply of goods is possible through the DPD or the Latvian Postal Courier Service in Riga/Riga and throughout the territory of Latvia within 24-72 hours, provided that the item is available in ORTHOSERVICE. Lvnolikin. You can find out the exact delivery times and delivery costs by contacting ORTHOSERVICE. Lvspecialist.
7. Guarantees and right of withdrawal.
7.1. All ORTHOSERVICE. The goods supplied are covered by the guarantee provided by the manufacturer!
7.2. The term of the guarantee established by the manufacturer differs from one product to another. For information on the expiry date of the manufacturer’s warranty for the item you have selected, refer to the description of the item or ask ORTHOSERVICE. For a specialist.
7.3. The terms of the manufacturer’s guarantee will apply if you can produce a proof of purchase document (check or receipt).
7.4. Advice on operational matters not detailed in the operating instructions will be provided free of charge during the warranty.
7.5. Your claims regarding the quality of the goods purchased will be examined in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 631. Procedures by which the consumer’s claim regarding the requirements of goods or services which do not conform to the terms of the contract shall be submitted and examined.
7.6. The warranty conditions do not apply to goods in addition to accessories (accessories), power supplies (batteries, batteries), or accessories with a limited resource (fuses, etc.).
7.7. The manufacturer’s warranty conditions shall not apply if:
– the product has warranty seals and/or serial numbers damaged, or the Customer has attempted to correct the damage itself;
– the damage has occurred due to a natural disaster (flooding, storm, lightning force, fire, earthquake);
– uses substandard spare parts, as well as raw materials not certified by the manufacturer for use for use with the prescribed product, and if it has caused damage to the product
; – the damage results from a nutrient stress, a failure of telecommunications, cable networks to meet the standards set by the manufacturer, a rapid variation in temperature, as well as from other domestic and external factors (dust, humidity)
; – no regular service service is performed (covering the goods for which it is required).
); – the goods have been used for manufacturing or professional purposes (if the particular goods are not intended for such purposes).
7.8. When you make an order in https://orthoservice.lv, you confirm that you have met with a “Distance Contract”. To avoid confusion, make sure that the item is fully in line with what you have ordered, such as the manufacturer, model, colour, size, and other essential parameters.
7.9. If you want to exercise the right of withdrawal, please note that the right of withdrawal may be exercised within 14 (fourteen) days of the date of receipt of the item. The goods to be returned must not have been used, must be in the original packaging, presenting a proof of purchase document (cheque or receipt), the packaging and/or marking must not be damaged. The customer is responsible for maintaining the safety of the product – it must be free of cigarettes, perfume and other odors, and without cosmetics and other spots. The right of withdrawal may not be exercised for hygiene products (such as rewrapping materials, wound nets), goods in the packages of which sterility is ensured. PLEASE NOTE that the right of withdrawal cannot be used – THE rules do not apply to cases where the goods are purchased by legal persons and/or purchased in shops!
7.10. If you want to withdraw from the item, take it to ORTHOSERVICE.LV, Riga, Lauvas Street 1 or ORTHOSERVICE. For the partners of the Lvsaaction. Do not forget the proof of purchase document (cheque or receipt) and the guarantee voucher if it is issued when the item is purchased!
7.11. If the goods are abandoned, the money for the delivery that has taken place will not be repaid. ORTHOSERVICE. The consumer shall be entitled to refuse to exercise his right of withdrawal or to withhold a refund fee if:
– the goods have been used and/or damaged;
– the goods are with a cigarette, perfume and other perfume and/or with cosmetic and other spots;
– the goods are not in the original packaging or the packaging is damaged.
7.12. ORTHOSERVICE. The liability of the lesion if:
– the damage to the goods was caused by the fault of the Customer;
– the defects of the product have occurred as a result of its use for unforeseen purposes;
– the product has a natural wear at normal use.
8. Responsibility of the Parties and Force Majeure.
8.1. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvir shall be liable to the Customer in case of non-compliance with the general terms of sale, assessing each case and in accordance with the procedures and measures required by the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.
8.2. The customer is responsible for ORTHOSERVICE. In case of non-compliance with the general terms of sale, assessing each case and in accordance with the procedures and measures, as determined by the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.
8.3. The Parties shall not be responsible for failing or failing to comply with a contractual obligation where such a failure or failure to comply resulted from force majeure results. Fires, natural disasters, epidemics, explosions, other similar forms of force majeure shall be considered as force majeure which prevent the parties from fulfilling their obligations. The other party shall be notified immediately of the occurrence of such circumstances.
8.4. ORTHOSERVICE. It does not compensate for any moral hazard which, in the opinion of the Customer, may arise due to changes in delivery time, price and other conditions referred to in the general terms of sale.
8.5. ORTHOSERVICE. It does not compensate the Customer for any costs that the Customer has committed to a third party that may be contrary to the main terms of the general terms of sale and has been breached.
8.6. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvshall not compensate the Customer for any unused opportunities arising from changes in terms of delivery terms, prices and other conditions related to changes in general terms of sale.
9. Other conditions.
9.1. ORTHOSERVICE. The rights and duties regarding the processing and protection of personal data shall be governed by the regulatory enactments in force in the Republic of Latvia, including the Law on Data Protection of Natural Persons. ORTHOSERVICE. Lvuses Customer Personal Data only for order execution. ORTHOSERVICE. The personal data of the Customer transferred by the Customer to third parties, except as provided for in the laws of the Republic of Latvia, shall not be disclosed by the Customer.
9.2. ORTHOSERVICE.LV reserves the right to inform the Customer of new goods, services and discount offers.
9.3. Disputes and disputes relating to the fulfilment of the general conditions of sale shall be dealt with by mutual negotiation. Wouldn’t settle a dispute or disagreement between ORTHOSERVICE. In the event of the emergence of customers, each of the Parties shall be entitled to protect their rights
in accordance with the procedures specified by the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia. If you have any questions, let us be happy to answer them. Go to the section – “CONTACT US” and ask questions of interest to you!

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